10 Facts: Europe’s Muslim Minorities
Even in France, Muslims represent less than 10% of the population.
January 20, 2015

1. France and Germany have the largest Muslim populations in Western Europe.
2. Both countries are home to just over 4.7 million Muslims.
3. As a percentage of total population, Muslims make up a much larger portion of the French population.
4. Muslims represent 7.5% of France’s 63 million people.
5. That is the highest percentage of any country in Western Europe.
6. The 4.7 million Muslims in Germany account for just about 5.8% of that country’s 82 million people
7. Muslims in Germany are mostly of Turkish origin, while the majority of France’s Muslim are of North African origin.
8. In the United Kingdom, which has experienced high levels of immigration from former colonies Pakistan and Nigeria, the 2.7 million Muslims constitute just 4.4% of the UK population.
9. Italy has Western Europe’s fourth-largest Muslim population (at 2.2 million), representing 3.7% of the country’s population.
10. In Denmark, where violent attacks following the publication of cartoons of the prophet Muhammad in 2005 resulted in 200 deaths worldwide, Muslims represent 4.1% of the 5.6 million population.
Sources: The Global Religious Landscape, Pew Research Center, with additional analysis by The Globalist Research Center