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Jeremy Rifkin

President of the Foundation on Economic Trends

Jeremy Rifkin is president of the Foundation on Economic Trends in Washington, D.C.

Since 1994, Mr. Rifkin has been a fellow at the Wharton School's Executive Education Program, where he lectures to CEOs on new trends in science and technology and their impacts on the global economy, society and the environment.

He is also an advisor to heads of state and government officials in a number of countries.

Mr. Rifkin’s most recently wrote, “The European Dream: How Europe’s Vision of the Future Is Quietly Eclipsing the American Dream.”

He is an international social critic and the best-selling author of The End of Work, The Biotech Century, and The Age of Access, each of which has been translated into more than fifteen languages.

Articles by Jeremy Rifkin

The Coming of the Third Industrial Revolution

How will the Third Industrial Revolution allow us to sculpt a new approach to globalization?

May 3, 2010

The American Dream Vs. the European Dream

Which dream will ensure a better future for all the world's people?

August 18, 2005

An American Looks at Europe

What aspirations do young Europeans have for the future of their continent?

June 17, 2005

How Hydrogen Empowers Fair Globalization

How can hydrogen energy webs remake civilization along radically new lines?

January 11, 2003

The Dawn of the Hydrogen Economy

How can hydrogen ease our dependence on fossil fuels?

January 10, 2003