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Perceptions of Superpowers

People think China will be the next superpower, but like the United States better.

July 18, 2013

Credit: Aquir/

1. 46% of people surveyed globally believe China has already, or will eventually, overtake the United States as the leading superpower.

2. 33% of people believe that China will never overtake the United States as the leading superpower.

3. Globally, 63% of people rate the U.S. favorably — and 50% rate China favorably.

4. Globally, 30% rate the U.S. unfavorably and 36% rate China unfavorably.

5. China’s favorability ratings are highest in Africa (72%), Latin America (72%), and Asia (58%).

6. China has lower favorability ratings in the Middle East (45%), Europe (43%), and the United States (37%).

From America’s Global Image Remains More Positive than China’s, But Many See China Becoming World’s Leading Power (Pew Research Global Attitudes Project)




46% of people surveyed globally believe China has already, or will eventually, overtake the U.S. as the leading superpower.