Appearances by The Globalist’s staff and contributors are available here. Editors who are interested in publishing commentaries that have appeared on The Globalist or in syndicating our content should contact us.
2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012
Op-ed by Alon Ben-Meir
How to spell out Donald J. Trump? | December 31, 2019
Also published on The Globalist as How to Spell Out Donald J. Trump?
Op-ed by Alexei Bayer
(In)famous Western alliances with the Soviet Union/Russia | December 26, 2019
Also published on The Globalist as (In)Famous Western Alliances with the Soviet Union/Russia
Op-ed by Stephan Richter and Denis MacShane
Čo sa môže z Corbynovej katastrofy naučiť európska ľavica | (PDF) | December 17, 2019
Also published on The Globalist as Europe’s Left and Labour’s Disastrous 2019 Election
Op-ed by Stephan Richter and Denis MacShane
The Japan Times
Labour’s defeat offers the left hard lessons | (PDF) | December 17, 2019
Also published on The Globalist as Europe’s Left and Labour’s Disastrous 2019 Election
Op-ed by Denis MacShane
Beyond Boris: Donald Trump(ism) wins in British election | December 14, 2019
Also published on The Globalist as Beyond Boris: Donald Trump(ism) Wins in British Election
Op-ed by Stephan Richter and Uwe Bott
In defense of democracy | December 10, 2019
Also published on The Globalist as In Defense of Democracy
Op-ed by Frank Vogl
Giuliani’s deceitful Ukraine business web | December 6, 2019
Also published on The Globalist as Giuliani’s Deceitful Ukraine Business Web
Op-ed by Stephan Richter
The Japan Times
Macron, the Atlantic alliance and opposite day | (PDF) | December 4, 2019
Also published on The Globalist as Macron, NATO and Opposite Day
Op-ed by Stephan Richter
Manager Magazin
Hirntod? Wie Macron Trump zu seiner Marionette machte | December 4, 2019
Also published on The Globalist as Macron, NATO and Opposite Day
Op-ed by Uwe Bott
Needed: A Ukrainian-style “Revolution of Dignity” for the U.S. | December 4, 2019
Also published on The Globalist as Needed: A Ukrainian-Style “Revolution of Dignity” for the US
Op-ed by Alexei Bayer
After Gallagher: The Pentagon faces a big purge | November 29, 2019
Also published on The Globalist as After Gallagher: The Pentagon Faces a Big Purge
Op-ed by Denis MacShane
UK: Can Corbyn sell Britain on his hard left turn? | November 27, 2019
Also published on The Globalist as UK: Can Corbyn Sell Britain on His Hard Left Turn?
Op-ed by Alan Riley
Nord Stream 2 sa môže potknúť na poslednej prekážke | (PDF) | November 27, 2019
Also published on The Globalist as Nord Stream 2: Falling at the Last Fence?
Op-ed by César Chelala
Trump, the Impostor | November 23, 2019
Also published on The Globalist as Trump, the Impostor
Op-ed by César Chelala
Manager Magazin
Donald Trump und das Hochstapler-Syndrom | November 22, 2019
Also published on The Globalist as Trump, the Impostor
Op-ed by James M. Dorsey
Čierne more je slepou škvrnou Trumpovej zahraničnej politiky | (PDF) | November 21, 2019
Also published on The Globalist as Trump and Erdogan’s Blind Spot
Op-ed by Stephan Richter
U.S. democracy and the age of American impotence | November 19, 2019
Also published on The Globalist as U.S. Democracy and the Age of American Impotence
Op-ed by Alexei Bayer
Poľský hospodársky zázrak riadia katolícki neokomunisti | (PDF) | November 15, 2019
Also published on The Globalist as Poland’s Catholic Neo-Communists
Op-ed by George Haynal
Battleground Ukraine: Trump vs. the State Department | November 14, 2019
Also published on The Globalist as Battleground Ukraine: Trump Vs. the State Department
Op-ed by Daniel Stelter
Pani Lagardová, skončite s Draghiho politikami v ECB | (PDF) | November 11, 2019
Also published on The Globalist as Madame Lagarde: End Draghi’s Half Measures!
Op-ed by Denis MacShane
Manager Magazin
Boris Johnson – “Wählt uns, und ihr werdet ärmer” | October 30, 2019
Also published on The Globalist as Boris Johnson: Grand Hasardeur (Forever the Gambler)
Op-ed by Meghnad Desai
Japan | The Japan Times
The revival of U.S. isolationism | October 29, 2019
Also published on The Globalist as Trump: Return to (Classic) US Isolationism
Op-ed by Meghnad Desai
Trump vracia Ameriku k jej tradičnému izolacionizmu (PDF) | October 29, 2019
Also published on The Globalist as Trump: Return to (Classic) US Isolationism
Op-ed by George Haynal
Japan | The Japan Times
Trudeau survives but … | October 27, 2019
Also published on The Globalist as Trudeau Survives, But …
Op-ed by Ryan O’Connell
Buttigieg steps up his game, but… | October 19, 2019
Also published on The Globalist as Buttigieg Steps Up His Game, But…
Op-ed by Valbona Zeneli and Zoran Nechev
Západný Balkán je novou predzáhradkou Európy | October 17, 2019
Also published on The Globalist as Western Balkans: Europe’s Front Yard
Op-ed by Stephan Richter and Uwe Bott
Manager Magazin
Warum die US-Demokraten eine Kurs-Korrektur brauchen | October 15, 2019
Also published on The Globalist as Draining the Swamp: Trump. Biden. Warren
Op-ed by Rachel Carnell
U.S. impeachment and U.K. prorogation: Back to 1710 | October 12, 2019
Also published on The Globalist as US Impeachment and UK Prorogation: Back to 1710
Op-ed by Frank Vogl
Donald Trump: The art of the “self-shakedown” | October 11, 2019
Also published on The Globalist as Donald Trump: The Art of the “Self-Shakedown”
Op-ed by Cesar Chelala
Arabský svet nezvláda boj proti domácemu násiliu | September 27, 2019
Also published on The Globalist as Domestic Violence in the Middle East
Op-ed by Jacob Kirkegaard
Taliansku vládu čaká expanzívna fiškálna politika | September 24, 2019
Also published on The Globalist as Italy’s New Coalition Faces Tough Choices
Op-ed by Frank Vogl
2020 and the art of hunting Trump | September 18, 2019
Also published on The Globalist as 2020 and the Art of Hunting Trump
Op-ed by Barry Wood
Japan | The Japan Times
Britain: Keeping calm amid chaos | September 11, 2019
Also published on The Globalist as UK: Amidst Chaos, Keeping Calm
Op-ed by Alon Ben-Meir
Daring to question American Jews’ loyalty | August 27, 2019
Also published on The Globalist as Daring to Question American Jews’ Loyalty
Op-ed by Stephan Richter
Manager Magazin
Wir sind alle Dänemark – wie man mit Immobilienhaien umgeht | August 23, 2019
Also published on The Globalist as We Are All Denmark!
Op-ed by Alon Ben-Meir
Trump: A racist president | August 12, 2019
Also published on The Globalist as Trump: A Racist President
Op-ed by Stephan Richter
Go back, Donald Trump. Your ancestral country needs you! | August 5, 2019
Also published on The Globalist as Go Back, Donald Trump. Your Ancestral Country Needs You!
Op-ed by Frank Vogl
Manager Magazin
Warum Christine Lagarde für das Euro-Krisenmanagement bestens geeignet ist | August 6, 2019
Also published on The Globalist as Lagarde’s Leadership Should Not Be Underrated
Op-ed by Uwe Bott
2020 US elections: voter turnout or Pelosi turnoff? | July 21, 2019
Also published on The Globalist as 2020 US Elections: Voter Turnout or Pelosi Turnoff?
Op-ed by Alexei Bayer
Trump’s military pomp: A sign of weakness | July 17, 2019
Also published on The Globalist as How Trump(!) Could Save America
Op-ed by Denis MacShane
Die Welt
Lachnummer Parlament | July 15, 2019
Also published on The Globalist as Germany’s SPD on the War Path Against von der Leyen
Op-ed by Uwe Bott
Elizabeth Warren, smart populist | July 4, 2019
Also published on The Globalist as Elizabeth Warren, Smart Populist
Op-ed by Tom Clifford
Manager Magazin
Wie Trumps Politik China in die Hände spielt | July 4, 2019
Also published on The Globalist as Game, Set and Match, China?
Op-ed by Frank Vogl
Putin and Trump: hiding the cash | June 30, 2019
Also published on The Globalist as The G20 Summit: Trump and Putin
Op-ed by Richard Phillips
Nancy Pelosi’s “Hamlet” moment
| June 22, 2019
Also published on The Globalist as Nancy Pelosi’s Hamlet Moment
Op-ed by Soner Cagaptay
Why Erdogan Won’t Let Istanbul Slip Away | May 31, 2019
Also published on The Globalist as Why Erdogan Won’t Let Istanbul Slip Away
Op-ed by The Globalist
Dear Senator Graham: Why give Trump a blank check? | May 21, 2019
Also published on The Globalist as Dear Senator Graham: Why Give Trump a Blank Check?
Op-ed by Alexei Bayer
The Republicans-Trump-Putin love triangle | May 13, 2019
Also published on The Globalist as The Republicans-Trump-Putin Love Triangle
Op-ed by Frank Vogl
EU needed now to lead on press protection | May 9, 2019
Also published on The Globalist as EU Needed Now to Lead on Press Protection
Op-ed by Shihoko Goto
A new dawn for Japan’s imperial diplomacy? | May 3, 2019
Also published on The Globalist as A New Dawn for Japan’s Imperial Diplomacy?
Op-ed by Frank Vogl
Is any Democracy safe from Russian sabotage? | April 25, 2019
Also published on The Globalist as Is Any Democracy Safe from Russian Sabotage?
Op-ed by Frank Vogl
Mueller report fuels still more investigations | April 23, 2019
Also published on The Globalist as Mueller Report Fuels Still More Investigations
Op-ed by Frank Vogl
Are the World Bank and IMF failing the world? | April 13, 2019
Also published on The Globalist as Are the World Bank and IMF Failing the World?
Op-ed by Eric Bovim
U.S. capitalism: The key 2020 battleground | April 7, 2019
Also published on The Globalist as US Capitalism: The Key 2020 Battleground
Op-ed by Stephan Richter
AOC and Francis Fukuyama: Reflections on social democracy and the U.S. | March 27, 2019
Also published on The Globalist as AOC and Francis Fukuyama: Reflections on Social Democracy and the US
Op-ed by Alexei Bayer
US and UK: The end of progress | March 25, 2019
Also published on The Globalist as US and UK: The End of Progress
Op-ed by James M. Dorsey
Turkey plants its flag in Christchurch | March 22, 2019
Also published on The Globalist as Turkey Plants Its Flag in Christchurch
Op-ed by Denis MacShane
Brexit: Will it ever happen? | March 15, 2019
Also published on The Globalist as Brexit: Will It Ever Happen?
Op-ed by Subbiah Lakshmanan
The political management of North Korean society | February 28, 2019
Also published on The Globalist as The Political Management of North Korean Society
Op-ed by Richard Phillips
Enter Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, socialist | February 27, 2019
Also published on The Globalist as Enter Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Socialist
Op-ed by Patrick Mendis
ABC Counterpoint
Wall builders: From Benjamin Franklin to Donald Trump | February 25, 2019
Also published on The Globalist as Benjamin Franklin, Wall Builder: Trump’s Role Model?
Op-ed by Alexei Bayer
Will Donald Trump follow Maduro’s path? | February 23, 2019
Also published on The Globalist as US: Will Donald Trump Follow Maduro’s Path?
Op-ed by Frank Vogl
U.S. vs. Trump: The evidence mounts and mounts | February 22, 2019
Also published on The Globalist as US Vs. Trump: The Evidence Mounts and Mounts
Op-ed by Alexei Bayer
Done with Trump’s socialism | February 16, 2019
Also published on The Globalist as Done with Trump’s Socialism
Op-ed by Richard Phillips
The four layers of Trump disapproval | February 12, 2019
Also published on The Globalist as The Four Layers of Trump Disapproval
Op-ed by Alexei Bayer
Trump’s wall and Israel’s wall: Unpleasant parallels and consequences | February 9, 2019
Also published on The Globalist as Trump’s Wall and Israel’s Wall: Unpleasant Parallels and Consequences
Op-ed by Frank Vogl
Adam Schiff against Trump: Let the congressional investigations begin | February 8, 2018
Also published on The Globalist as Schiff Against Trump: Let the Congressional Investigations Begin
Op-ed by Patrick Mendis
President Trump’s wall is inimical to America’s philosophic empire | February 6, 2019
Also published on The Globalist as Benjamin Franklin, Wall Builder: Trump’s Role Model?
Op-ed by Alexei Bayer
Reagan vs. Trump: Two entertainer-politicians compared | February 5, 2019
Also published on The Globalist as Reagan Vs. Trump: Two Entertainer-Politicians Compared
Op-ed by Eric Bovim
An impending yellow vest moment for the US? | February 5, 2019
Also published on The Globalist as An Impending Yellow Vest Moment for the US?
Op-ed by Jean-Francois Boittin
Donald Trump’s diplomatic war on Europe | January 26, 2019
Also published on The Globalist as Donald Trump’s Diplomatic War on Europe
Op-ed by Alon Ben-Meir
Time to dump Netanyahu | January 25, 2019
Also published on The Globalist as Time to Dump Netanyahu
Op-ed by Robert J. Shapiro
Die abkühlende US-Wirtschaft ist Trumps größtes Problem | January 22, 2019
Also published on The Globalist as The Deteriorating US Economy
Op-ed by Stephan Richter
Japan | The Japan Times
Xi: smooth talking vs. brass knuckle operator | January 22, 2019
Also published on The Globalist as Xi Jinping: Smooth Talker vs. Brass-Knuckle Operator
Op-ed by James M. Dorsey
Japan | The Japan Times
Beijing’s global battle over human rights | January 22, 2019
Also published on The Globalist as China’s Global Battle over Human Rights
Op-ed by Alon Ben-Meir
Sri Lanka | Daily Express
Time to dump Netanyahu | PDF | January 22, 2019
Also published on The Globalist as Time to Dump Netanyahu
Op-ed by Uwe Bott and Stephan Richter
Trump and Russia: The Weasel-in-Chief, January 17, 2019
Also published on The Globalist as Trump and Russia: The Weasel-in-Chief
Op-ed by Frank Vogl
Washington is reeling over new reports of FBI case | January 16, 2018
Also published on The Globalist as Washington Is Reeling over New Reports of FBI Case
Op-ed by Frank Vogl
Brexit: A cultural morphology | January 14, 2018
Also published on The Globalist as Brexit: A Cultural Morphology
Op-ed by Uwe Bott
How is trade working out for you, President Trump? | January 13, 2018
Also published on The Globalist as How Is Trade Working Out for You, President Trump?
Op-ed by Frank Vogl
Mit sich selbst zufrieden | January 11-13, 2019
Also published on The Globalist as Brexit: A Cultural Morphology