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The Globalist in the Global Media 2020

Appearances by The Globalist’s staff and contributors are available here. Editors who are interested in publishing commentaries that have appeared on The Globalist or in syndicating our content should contact us.

2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012

Op-ed by Ryan O’Connell

Should the Biden administration prosecute Trump? | December 14, 2020

Also published on The Globalist as Should the Biden Administration Prosecute Trump?

Op-ed by Jeff Faux

A hard reckoning for the Democrats: Race, class and Joe Biden’s election
| December 6, 2020

Also published on The Globalist as A Hard Reckoning for the Democrats: Race, Class and Joe Biden’s Election

Op-ed by Terri Langston

South Carolina and Georgia: A contemporary tale of two southern states | November 28, 2020

Also published on The Globalist as South Carolina and Georgia: A Contemporary Tale of Two Southern States

Op-ed by Steven Hill

How to avoid another 2020 election | November 27, 2020

Also published on The Globalist as US: How to Avoid Another 2020 Election

Op-ed by Terri Langston

The U.S. and the coddling of Donald Trump | November 17, 2020

Also published on The Globalist as The US and the Coddling of Donald Trump | November 17, 2020

Op-ed by Terri Langston

Kamala Harris and the evolution of the birds: worldwide lessons | November 12, 2020

Also published on The Globalist as Kamala Harris and the Evolution of the Birds: Worldwide Lessons

Op-ed by Terri Langston

A “Y2K” election in 2020? Seriously | November 1, 2020

Also published on The Globalist as US: A “Y2K” Election in 2020? Seriously

Op-ed by Richard Phillips

5 epic failures of Donald Trump that illustrate the U.S.’s decline | August 29, 2020

Also published on The Globalist as Donald Trump: The Face of the US’s Decline, in Five Epic Failures

Op-ed by Stephan Richter

Kamala Harris: The woman who “liberated” Angela Merkel | August 16, 2020

Also published on The Globalist as Kamala Harris: The Woman Who “Liberated” Angela Merkel

Op-ed by Frank Vogl

Dueling October surprises: Two legal bombshells on the eve of the U.S. election? | August 11, 2020

Also published on The Globalist as Two Bombshell Legal Surprises on the Eve of the US Election?

Op-ed by Stephan Richter

Svätá Angela z Nemecka nemohla prehrať | July 24, 2020

Also published on The Globalist as Saint Angela of Europe

Op-ed by Frank Vogl

Trump and corruption: Who cares in the time of COVID? | July 14, 2020

Also published on The Globalist as Trump and Corruption: Who Cares in the Time of COVID?

Op-ed by Alan Lipp

Is the Trump campaign planning a Ukrainian “October surprise”? | July 5, 2020

Also published on The Globalist as Is the Trump Campaign Planning a Ukrainian “October Surprise”?

Op-ed by George R. Tyler

Mismanaging the U.S. economy: How Trump defeats himself | June 23, 2020

Also published on The Globalist as Mismanaging the US Economy: How Trump Defeats Himself

Op-ed by Stephan Richter and Uwe Bott

Change is coming to America | June 18, 2020

Also published on The Globalist as Change Is Coming to America

Op-ed by Stephan Richter

Trump dáva zabudnúť na časy, keď boli prezidenti vzorom | (PDF) | June 9, 2020

Also published on The Globalist as When a President Tweets

Op-ed by Stephan Richter and Uwe Bott

Trump: The eternal, never-presidential campaigner | June 6, 2020

Also published on The Globalist as Trump: The Eternal, Never-Presidential Campaigner

Op-ed by Stephan Richter

When a president tweets | June 5, 2020

Also published on The Globalist as When a President Tweets

Op-ed by The Globalist

Joe Biden’s VP choice? Stacey Abrams makes her case | May 17, 2020

Also published on The Globalist as Biden’s VP Choice: The Case of Stacey Abrams

Op-ed by Richard Phillips

Coronavirus information, misinformation, disinformation and outright lies | May 16, 2020

Also published on The Globalist as Coronavirus: Information, Misinformation, Disinformation and Outright Lies

Op-ed by Stephan Richter and Alexei Bayer

Trump and Musk: Two Unstable Geniuses Compared | May 14, 2020

Also published on The Globalist as Bernie’s Golden Medicare for All Moment

Op-ed by Stephan Richter

The Ayatollah in the White House | May 2, 2020

Also published on The Globalist as The Ayatollah in the White House

Op-ed by Frank Vogl

What does Putin have on Trump? | May 2, 2020

Also published on The Globalist as What Does Putin Have on Trump?

Op-ed by Alexei Bayer

It’s high time for a New New Deal | April 30, 2020

Also published on The Globalist as US: High Time for a New New Deal

Op-ed by George R. Tyler

Bernie endorses Joe Biden: So how will disgruntled Sanders supporters vote in 2020? | April 14, 2020

Also published on The Globalist as How Will Disgruntled Sanders Supporters Vote in 2020?

Op-ed by Jeff Faux

Could this pandemic re-elect Trump? | April 10, 2020

Also published on The Globalist as Could the Pandemic Re-elect Trump?

Op-ed by Uwe Bott

COVID-19 and the U.S.: What lies ahead | April 4, 2020

Also published on The Globalist as COVID 19 and the US: What Lies Ahead

Op-ed by Alexei Bayer

Trump’s dangerous war on science | April 3, 2020

Also published on The Globalist as Trump’s Dangerous War on Science

Op-ed by Frank Vogl

Trump now has total control of vast virus-aid fund | March 31, 2020

Also published on The Globalist as Trump’s Total Control of Vast Virus-Aid Fund

Op-ed by Richard Phillips

The sad state of U.S. and global economic affairs | March 29, 2020

Also published on The Globalist as The Sad State of US and Global Economic Affairs

Op-ed by Alton Frye

Joe’s other woman: Could Michelle Obama be persuaded to be Biden’s VP? | March 28, 2020

Also published on The Globalist as The Other Woman

Op-ed by Alexei Bayer

When Brezhnev comes to America: Gerontocracy in action | March 22, 2020

Also published on The Globalist as When Brezhnev Comes to America: Gerontocracy in Action

Op-ed by Andrés Ortega

Manager Magazin
Abstand halten – das Virus der De-Globalisierung | March 20, 2020

Also published on The Globalist as The Deglobalization Virus?

Op-ed by Andrés Ortega

The deglobalization virus: How far back will COVID-19 set the world? | March 19, 2020

Also published on The Globalist as The Deglobalization Virus?

Op-ed by Uwe Bott

Bernie’s golden Medicare for All moment | March 14, 2020

Also published on The Globalist as Bernie’s Golden Medicare for All Moment

Op-ed by Stephan Richter and Uwe Bott

Manager Magazin
Trumps Krisenmanagement – eine neue Chance für Sanders | February 13, 2020

Also published on The Globalist as Bernie’s Golden Medicare for All Moment

Op-ed by Thomas I. Palley

Bernie’s no radical: his agenda harks back to the framing of the U.S. constitution | February 28, 2020

Also published on The Globalist as Bernie Sanders: An FDR Democrat and US Constitutionalist

Op-ed by Lex Rieffel

U.S.: Don’t obsess about population size | February 18, 2020

Also published on The Globalist as US: Don’t Obsess About Population Size

Op-ed by Thomas I. Palley

A stock market boom is not the basis of shared prosperity | February 7, 2020

Also published on The Globalist as A US Stock Market Boom is Not the Basis of Shared Prosperity

Op-ed by Denis MacShane

Manager Magazin
Fünf Szenarien für den Brexit – und die Tories träumen weiter | January 30, 2020

Also published on The Globalist as Five Scenarios for Brexit After January 31

Op-ed by Alon Ben-Meir

Trump’s Soleimani killing undermines global order | January 29, 2020

Also published on The Globalist as Trump’s Soleimani Killing Undermines Global Order

Op-ed by Frank Vogl and Stephan Richter

U.S. tech transfer: First to China, now to the Middle East | January 23, 2020

Also published on The Globalist as US Tech Transfer: First to China, Now to the Middle East

Op-ed by Barry Wood

Aká bola prvá fáza americko-čínskej obchodnej dohody | (PDF) | January 17, 2020

Also published on The Globalist as Assessing “Phase One” of the US-China Trade Deal

Op-ed by Stephan Richter

Delivering impeachment, de facto | January 13, 2020

Also published on The Globalist as Delivering Impeachment, De Facto

Interview by Stephan Richter

ARD Presseclub
Wie lange hält das deutsche Jobwunder? | January 5, 2020

Also published on The Globalist as Wie lange hält das deutsche Jobwunder?

Op-ed by Alon Ben-Meir

How to spell out Donald J. Trump? | December 31, 2019

Also published on The Globalist as How to Spell Out Donald J. Trump?