Harold James

Professor of History, Princeton University
Harold James is the author of "”The Creation and Destruction of Value." He holds a joint appointment as Professor of History at Princeton University and Professor of International Affairs in the Woodrow Wilson School.
In 2004 he was awarded the Helmut Schmidt Prize for Economic History, and in 2005 the Ludwig Erhard Prize for writing about economics. He is also Marie Curie Visiting Professor at the European University Institute.
He was also coauthor of a history of Deutsche Bank (1995), which won the Financial Times Global Business Book Award in 1996, and he wrote "The Deutsche Bank and the Nazi Economic War Against the Jews" (2001).
His most recent works are "The End of Globalization: Lessons from the Great Depression" (2001), and "Europe Reborn: A History 1914-2000 (2003); The Roman Predicament: How the Rules of International Order Create the Politics of Empire" (2006) and "Family Capitalism: Wendels, Haniels and Falcks" (2006).
He was educated at Cambridge University (Ph.D. in 1982) and was a Fellow of Peterhouse for eight years before coming to Princeton University in 1986.