Jacob Kirkegaard

Research Associate at the Institute for International Economics
Jacob Funk Kirkegaard has been a Research Associate at the Institute for International Economics since 2002.
His current research focuses on European economies and reforms, offshoring and outsourcing, and the impact of information technology and service sector globalization.
Before joining the Institute, Mr. Kirkegaard worked with Denmark’s Ministry of Defense and the United Nations in Iraq.
He is a graduate of the Danish Army’s Special School of Intelligence and Linguistics with the rank of first lieutenant. He also holds degrees from the University of Aarhus and Columbia University.
Mr. Kirkegaard’s recent publications include “Outsourcing — Stains on the White Collar?” (IIE 2004), “Offshore Outsourcing — Much Ado About What?” (CEFifo Forum Summer 2004), and “Transforming the European Economy” (co-authored with Martin N. Baily) (IIE 2004).