Johannes Wallacher

Johannes Wallacher is President of the Hochschule für Philosophie München (HFPH), where he also serves as Professor for Social Sciences and Economic Ethics.
In 2021, he was also elected as Academic Director and head of the Board of Directors of the Bayerische Elite Akademie (BEA).
Professor Wallacher’s research focuses on fundamental questions of economic ethics and their application, particularly issues of sustainability as well as corporate and consumer responsibility, the ethics of globalization (including the ethics of world trade and financial markets as well as the SDG agenda), the ethics of resource management (especially related to the nexus of water, land-use, climate and food), and economy and culture and their mutual interdependence.
Professor Wallacher also serves as an expert advising many academic, non-governmental and church institutions – among others as a member of the Board of Trustees of the Technische Universität München, as a member of the Deutsche Akademie der Technikwissenschaften (acatech) and as chairman of the expert panel “World Economy and Social Ethics” of the commission “World Church” of the Deutsche Bischofskonferenz.
Professor Wallacher holds Ph.Ds in Industrial Engineering from the Karlsruhe Institut für Technologie and in Philosophy from HFPH.