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Joseph Cirincione

President, Ploughshares Fund

Joseph Cirincione is the president of the Ploughshares Fund, a global security foundation. He is the author of “Bomb Scare: The History and Future of Nuclear Weapons” (Columbia, 2007).

Mr. Cirincione previously served as senior vice president for national security and international policy at the Center for American Progress and as director for nonproliferation at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

He teaches a graduate seminar at the Georgetown University School of Foreign Service and is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. He has written over 200 articles on defense issues, produced two DVDs on proliferation, appears frequently in the media, and has given over 150 lectures around the world in the past two years.

He is the co-author of Contain and Engage: A New Strategy for Resolving the Iranian Nuclear Crisis (March 2007), two editions of Deadly Arsenals: Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Threats (2005 and 2002), Universal Compliance: A Strategy for Nuclear Security (March 2005) and WMD in Iraq, (January 2004).

He has held positions at the Henry L. Stimson Center, the U.S. Information Agency, and the Center for Strategic and International Studies.

He is an honors graduate of Boston College and holds a M.S. with highest honors from the Georgetown School of Foreign Service.

Articles by Joseph Cirincione

Pakistan: Nexus of Failure

How is the failure of the Bush Administration's foreign policy coming to roost in Pakistan?

November 6, 2007

U.S. Missile Defense Vs. Democracy

Why is the Bush Administration keen on deploying a technology that doesn't work against a threat that doesn't exist?

October 24, 2007

Toward a Nuclear-Free World

How can the world ensure that nuclear weapons are a "historic accident"?

April 11, 2007

Touring the Nuclear World

How safe is the world from nuclear weapons?

March 19, 2007

A Brief History of the Nuclear Age

Has progress been made since the beginning of the nuclear age in reining in these weapons?

December 13, 2005

Iran and Israel’s Nuclear Weapons

Is it in Israel's interest to help to create a nuclear-free Middle East?

March 11, 2005

It Takes Three to Tango with Tehran

Is the Bush Administration hell-bent on confronting Iran?

November 19, 2004

No More Exits for Colin Powell

Has U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell abandoned his own doctrine?

February 13, 2003

A Clear, But Not Imminent Danger

Are Iraqi weapons of mass destruction a threat to the United States?

September 18, 2002

Europe and the Korea Vacuum

Can Europe take the lead from the United States in helping North Korea to end its isolation?

April 2, 2001

Rumsfeld’s Russian Assault

Do U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld's views on Russia as a proliferator trigger a new Cold War?

February 21, 2001

Colin Powell Versus the Hawks

Has Colin Powell taken up the fight against the National Missile Defense hawks?

January 9, 2001