Juliet Eilperin

National environmental reporter, Washington Post
A native Washingtonian, Juliet Eilperin graduated in 1992 magna cum laude from Princeton University, where she received a bachelor’s in politics. In March 1998 she joined The Washington Post as its House of Representatives reporter, where she covered the impeachment of Bill Clinton, lobbying, legislation and five national congressional campaigns.
Since April 2004, she has served as the Washington Post’s national environmental reporter, covering the science, policy and politics relating to climate change, oceans and air quality. In pursuit of these stories she has gone scuba diving with sharks in the Bahamas, trekking on the Arctic tundra with Selma Hayek and Jake Gyllenhaal, and searching on her hands and knees for rare insects in the caves of Tennessee.
Ms. Eilperin also covered the 2008 U.S. presidential race, traveling with Republican candidate Senator John McCain and his running mate, Alaska Governor Sarah Palin. She launched the newspaper’s "Post Carbon" blog in December 2009. In the wake of the Deepwater Horizon explosion in April 2010, she wrote several investigative pieces exposing the lack of federal oversight of offshore drilling.
In 2006, her first book, "Fight Club Politics: How Partisanship is Poisoning the House of Representatives," was published by Rowman & Littlefield. Her next book, "Demon Fish: Travels Through the Hidden World of Sharks," will be published by Pantheon in June 2011.