Olivier Cattaneo

Research Associate, Groupe d’Economie Mondiale de SciencesPo, Paris
Olivier Cattaneo is a Senior Trade Specialist with the World Bank, Washington, D.C. — and a Research Associate with the Groupe d’Economie Mondiale de SciencesPo, Paris.
He has previously worked at the Directorate for Strategy with the French Development Agency, for the Finance Committee of the Parliament, in the Private Office of the Minister for the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs and the Ministry of Health, for the Director’s Office at the United Nations Office in Geneva, as a Liason Officer for the WTO — and at the Trade Directorate for the OECD.
Mr. Cattaneo has lectured at the Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris (Sciences-Po) and the Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées (Paris).
His main fields of research are trade policy, WTO law, intellectual property rights and services trade.
Mr. Cattaneo has (co)authored or (co)edited more than 50 books and articles, including “Effective Crisis Response and Openness: Implications for the Trading System” (World Bank and CEPR, 2009) and “The WTO and Accession Countries” (Edward Elgar, 2009).
He is a New York Attorney and Counsellor at Law. He holds a Ph.D. in international law from the Graduate Institute of International Studies in Geneva — and degrees from the Georgetown University Law Center and SciencesPo Paris. He was a World Fellow at Yale University and an IIEL Fellow at Georgetown University.