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Paul A. London

Former U.S. Deputy Under Secretary of Commerce

Paul A. London is the former U.S. Deputy Under Secretary of Commerce from 1993 to 1997.

Subsequently, he served in the Clinton Administration as Policy Advisor at the U.S. Department of Commerce, working on forces on medical errors, health care privacy and health care costs.

Mr. London is currently the President of Paul A. London Associates, an economic consulting group, where he advises manufacturing firms, healthcare, auto rental and energy companies, utilities, law and consulting firms and trade associations.

From May 2000 to May 2003, he was Visiting Fellow at the American Enterprise Institute. During his time at AEI, he wrote “The Competition Solution, The Bipartisan Secret Behind American Prosperity.”

He also wrote one of the first books on “privatization” in economic development entitled, “The Role of Merchants in Development.”

He is also the author of many articles in the area of political economy in The New York Times, The Washington Post, Newsday, The New Republic, Public Utilities Quarterly and other journals.

Mr. London received his B.A. cum laude from Harvard in 1958, his M.A. in Public Administration and Ph.D. in Political Economy and Government from the Kennedy School in 1974.

Articles by Paul A. London

The 1920s and the 2020s: Could History Repeat Itself?

A reflection on the parallels between the “Roaring 1920s” and today — and the global risks they represent.

February 28, 2025

Lower Healthcare Costs: Learning From History

How did Presidents Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter tackle high prices in key sectors of the U.S. economy?

July 31, 2009

America’s Competitive Powers — At Long Last

How realistic is the hope to reform the U.S. healthcare and education sectors?

March 3, 2005