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Tim Harcourt

Industry Professor and Chief Economist at University of Technology Sydney

Tim Harcourt is Industry Professor and Chief Economist at University of Technology Sydney.

Previously, he was J.W. Nevile Fellow in Economics at the Australian School of Business, University of New South Wales.

Prior to this, he was the chief economist of the Australian Trade Commission (Austrade). Mr. Harcourt is also an active commentator in the Australian and international media on economic and trade issues.

Before joining the Austrade, Mr. Harcourt was an economist and industrial advocate with the Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU). He was also an economic policy adviser to the ACTU on international trade, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander affairs and the environment.

He has worked as an economist for the Reserve Bank of Australia and the Australian Industrial Relations Commission and has overseas experience in the corporate sector as an economic consultant and as an environment adviser. He was educated at the University of Adelaide, the University of Minnesota and Harvard University.

His book “The Airport Economist,” was published by Allen and Unwin in 2008. It was followed by “The Airport Economist Flies Again” in 2012 and “Trading Places: The Airport Economist’s Guide to International Business” in 2014.

His fascination with travel and economics began when he visited his University of Adelaide classmates in their home countries of Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia.

Articles by Tim Harcourt

Santa Claus: A Symbol of the Global Economy at Work

Santa is a long-term, sustainable exporter operating a global business in many different markets.

December 24, 2024

Brazil: The Economics of the Rio Olympics 2016

There’s still over four months to go until the August 5 opening, but the Olympic stopwatch is already ticking for Rio 2016.

April 16, 2016

Bernie Sanders and Super Bowl 50

‘Super’ Sanders and his lessons for corporate marketers on reaching the young and restless.

February 6, 2016

Australia: Why We Now Have Prime Minister Turnbull

Economic literacy apparently matters in high-stakes politics.

September 17, 2015

Peru: Beyond Llamas and Machu Picchu

Can Peru once again prove skeptics wrong and succeed in the world economy?

April 25, 2015

From the Paradise of Dissent to the Paradise of Diversity

The economic future of South Australia

March 15, 2014

Australia and China’s New Goddess in White

Tennis anyone? The economics of the Australian Open in the Asian Century.

January 31, 2014

Why Other Nations Fail (But Australia Succeeds)

Is Australia’s success as a country dumb luck -- or is it due to its inclusive and democratic institutions?

January 25, 2014

Uruguay: South America’s New Zealand?

Will tiny Uruguay get squeezed between its two much larger neighbors, Brazil and Argentina, or prove itself resilient?

June 30, 2013

Can Young People Rebuild Colombia’s Social Capital?

Can a new generation of Colombians build a brighter future for their country?

May 25, 2013

Thatcher Vs. Hawke: Whose Reforms Worked Best?

Who left behind a stronger economy: the warrior-like conservative British Prime Minister or Australia's bridge-builder?

April 19, 2013

Argentina: What the Pope Left Behind

Now is the time for Argentina, boosted by a new pope in Rome, to stop gaming its economic statistics and focus on real economic reforms.

March 29, 2013

Mexico’s Moment

Why is Latin America's economic spotlight shifting away from Brazil?

March 13, 2013

Australia: Out of Africa … And Back In

Why are countries like Australia starting to view Africa as a land of economic opportunity?

March 20, 2012

Australia and the Second Age of Macquarie

How is international investment the key to Australia's prosperity in the 21st century?

March 22, 2010

Do Exporters Make Better Bosses?

How important are social safety nets, as opposed to trade protectionism, in a time of economic crisis?

June 23, 2009

Obamanomics: The View From Down Under

What will "hope" and the new Obama Administration mean for the global economy?

November 19, 2008

Can China Save the World?

What role will China play in helping solve the financial crisis?

October 30, 2008

Australia: Behind the Scenes at Beijing

What behind-the-scenes influence has Australia had at the Beijing Olympics?

August 22, 2008