In Charts: Huawei
A collection of charts, maps and graphs exploring the Chinese telecoms giant Huawei.
March 10, 2019

The arrest of Huawei’s Chief Financial Officer Meng Wanzhou in Canada on December 1, 2018 for extradition to the United States has resulted in unprecedented media coverage of the Shenzhen-based telecoms giant.
Several countries around the world have blocked telecoms companies from using Huawei gear in next-generation 5G mobile networks due to security concerns. As a result, the company is suing the U.S. government and the affair is exasperating the U.S.-China trade war.
Below is a collection of charts, graphs and maps exploring the Chinese tech giant and its role in global communications networks.
To go deeper, also browse our Trade War article collection by clicking here
Who runs Huawei
Huawei’s growth and revenues
Huawei’s global smartphone market share
How many smartphones Huawei shipped in 2018
Huawei’s global VoIP and IMS equipment revenue share
How much Huawei spends on R&D
How many patents Huawei files
Huawei’s global 5G presence
The power of 5G
A collection of charts, maps and graphs exploring the Chinese telecoms giant Huawei.
The Globalist
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