In Charts: Checking Up on Israel
A collection of charts, maps and graphs exploring Israel — its politics, economy and its military.
April 10, 2019

In a fiercely fought election, Netanyahu is fighting for political survival after more than a decade in power.
Below is a collection of charts, maps and graphs exploring Israel — its politics, economy and its military.
Also browse The Globalist’s Israel article collection by clicking here.
Israel’s religious landscape
What Israelis think of democracy and religious law
Israel’s defense spending
U.S. military aid to Israel
How much Israel spends on R and D
What Israelis think of Trump
Israel’s settler population in the West Bank
What allegations of corruption mean for Netanyahu
Israeli trade with Arab and Muslim countries
A collection of charts, maps and graphs exploring Israel -- its politics, economy and its military.
The Globalist
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April 9, 2019