Letter to my Baby Daughter Zoe
Explaining Bernie Sanders policies to my daughter.
February 20, 2016
This is a post from “1st time dad at 60,” a blog Behzad Yaghmaian started for his newborn daughter Zoé two years ago. Yaghmaian has been regularly writing about everyday life and important political and social issues under Letters to Zoé.
Dear Zoé,
Something very exciting is happening in the United States these days. Bernie Sanders, an old socialist from Brooklyn, is running to be our next president.
A political revolution is sweeping through this country, baba. Bernie has energized millions of young people who are voting for the first time in their lives. Even kids who are too young to vote are talking about him.
Many people are “feeling the Bern.” And it is all because of what Bernie is trying to make possible for the people.
Here is what Bernie is talking about.
Everyone has the right to free public education
You shouldn’t have to climb up to the moon to get an education.

Everyone has the right to medical care
You should be able to see a doctor if you get sick without worrying about money. Hospitals’ doors should be open to everyone who needs help. All sick people should be cared for with love.

Everyone has the right to a living wage
Working parents should be able to provide a happy life for their kids, buy them the food they like, take them to the playground, and travel with them. All kids deserve to be happy and healthy.

Everyone has the right to take part in the government
Rich people should not be allowed to control the government. The government should belong to you and your friends in the daycare, to mom and me, to all of our neighbors in Washington Heights, and to everyone across the country.

What do you think Zoé? Don’t you think Bernie deserves our vote?
Do you feel the Bern, Zoé? I thought so.
Dear baby Zoé, something very exciting is happening in the United States these days.
You should be able to see a doctor if you get sick without worrying about money.
Working parents should be able to provide a happy life for their kids.
Rich people should not be allowed to control the government.