Ten Facts: Iran and the Internet
Can the reform government in Iran finally bring the country’s internet up to speed?
March 18, 2014

1. Iran has by far the highest total number of Internet users in the Middle East, in part due to its 76 million strong population.
2. About half of all Iranian households have Internet access. This access rate is about the median for the region.
3. In Iran, it can take hours to download a video clip or access an online bank account.
4. Iranians’ Internet access is often disrupted by unexplained interruptions in service.
5. Iran’s current average data speed — at about two megabits per second — is about one-tenth of the global average.
6. This slow speed puts Iran just behind Belize, Lebanon and Uzbekistan in the rankings.
7. In comparison, the United States ranks 31st, at about 21 mbps.
8. Internet speeds in Iran have accelerated by 30% since summer 2013, after Hassan Rohani won the presidential election.
9. By the end of March 2014, the Iranian government promises average bandwidth will double. This would leave the country ranked about 135th in the world, up from 170th now.
10. By March 2015, officials pledge, Iranian bandwidth will have expanded tenfold.
From Internet improvements in store for Iran by Jason Rezaian (Washington Post with Netindex.com)
In Iran, it can take hours to download a video clip or access an online bank account.
Iran's current average data speed is about one-tenth of the global average.
Internet speeds in Iran have accelerated by 30% since Hassan Rohani won the presidential election.
By month's end, the government promises average bandwidth will double, but Iran would still be 135th in the world.