The Declining Economic Might of American Men
Are men no longer bringing home the bacon in American marriages?
April 15, 2013

1. Young Americans are increasingly being born out of wedlock, which is destabilizing the American family and can lead to unfortunate social and economic outcomes for offspring.
2. In 1980, about 18% of births in the United States were to unmarried women. By 2009, the proportion was 41%.
3. Among whites, the increase was from 11% to 36%. Among African Americans, from 56% to 72%. Among Hispanics, from 37% (1990) to 53%.
4. Since 1970, the share of children living with two parents has dropped from 82% to 63%.
5. Among whites, the decline is from 87% to 73%. Among African Americans, from 57% to 31%. Among Hispanics, from 78% to 57%.
From An economy that’s tearing our society apart by Robert Samuelson (Washington Post)
Since 1970, the share of children living with two parents has dropped from 82% to 63%.