The Globalist’s Top 10 Features on Women
A selection of the most interesting features on women and gender issues published by The Globalist in 2014.
December 25, 2014

[ 1 ] The Best Mother’s Day Gift
By Johanna Mendelson Forman | Why women around the globe play a central role in creating better economies.
Published on May 10, 2014

[ 2 ] Madam Ministers
By Richard Walker | Which major government currently has the highest percentage of women in its cabinet?
Published on October 22, 2014

[ 3 ] Women’s Rights Are Human Rights
By Valbona Zeneli | Why is it right and smart to empower women?
Published on March 7, 2014

[ 4 ] Bridging the Gender Gap
By Bernard Wasow | Does Islam really limit the opportunities and achievements of women?
Published on February 16, 2014

[ 5 ] Japan: Where Leaning In Isn’t Enough
By Shihoko Goto | Japan has to bring about a change in the national psyche about women and work.
Published on February 16, 2014

[ 6 ] Nurses Urgently Needed: Another Critical Global Shortage
By Tara Sonenshine | Why nurses need us to care.
Published on October 19, 2014

[ 7 ] A Vote for Afghanistan
By Sreeram Chaulia | How can a society develop exemplary civic courage in the face of brutal terror?
Published on April 10, 2014

[ 8 ] 10 Facts for International Women’s Day
By The Globalist | The state of women’s rights around the world — at a glance.
Published on March 8, 2014

[ 9 ] It’s Memorial Day: Give Your Kid a Break
By Tara Sonenshine | The SAT bores and tortures students — and has nothing to do with education.
Published on May 25, 2014

[ 10 ] 10 Facts: Women and the Nobel Prize
By The Globalist | Across all disciplines, only one in twenty Nobel recipients have been women.
Published on October 10, 2014
The Globalist's top article on gender in 2014 is about the role for women in the global economy.