Declining Trust In U.S. Institutions
The alarming numbers are not just a reflection of the corrosive effect that Donald Trump has on U.S. democracy. What are the facts?
May 20, 2024

In the United States, there is lower trust in its institutions than in other rich democracies. In 2006, the United States still ranked at the top of the G7 league table, tied with the UK. In 2023, for the first time, it came in last.
The divergence with the UK is especially striking. British confidence in its judiciary is at its highest point in history.
Americans are tied with Italians in having the lowest trust in their judicial system – and come last in regard to faith in honest elections.
Donald Trump’s unfounded accusations about the 2020 presidential election play a big role in Americans’ low trust in their electoral system.
Among OECD members, only Hungary, Turkey and Colombia have less trust in honest elections.
Americans’ trust in their country’s armed forces is now lower than at any time since 2006 – and lower than in France.
Just 39% of Americans are confident that police forces around the country are trained to avoid excessive force.
Sources: Gallup, University of California, Berkeley, ABC News
An alarming number of Americans increasingly distrust their institutions. What are the facts?