The New Age of American Imperialism
The Trump version of the United States has relinquished its leadership. It is Europe’s responsibility to step in.
May 11, 2018

If Donald Trump’s reckless withdrawal from the Iran deal makes one thing plain, then it is that we live in a new age of American imperialism. It is an imperialism where the United States just has two allies, Israel and Saudi Arabia. Pretty much every other nation, in the world according to Trump, is out to cheat Americans.
Far from serving any higher principle or noble cause, it is a world of vitriolic, nay-saying men that are hell-bent on destroying whatever glue of cooperation exists in the world today. They know to destroy, but not to build.
Worse, the Trump administration, Netanyahu’s Israel and the Saudis relish in their mono-maniacal destructivism. In a kind of obsessive-compulsive disorder meets geopolitics, they have declared Iran the source of all human evil. (As if Saudi Arabia weren’t at least as much a candidate for that title).
Unfazed by such concerns, with every act of pure destruction, Donald Trump’s political base feels more cult-like dedication to its leader. As for the Republican Party itself, it is determined to sell even its last remaining principles for more ways to lute the country’s treasury.
American totalitarianism
For a native German, this dangerous mix of American totalitarianism, authoritarianism and populism raises painful memories of Germany’s darkest period.
It was then that military intervention by the United States saved the world from Germany and Germans from themselves. It was then that American post-war generosity helped rebuild a country that was bankrupt and destroyed, both physically and morally. It was then that the American example served Germans to establish a strong and resilient democracy.
Thanks to those American gifts, Europe today, with all its problems and challenges, is a peaceful place. And German democracy is one of the pillars of European unity. It is to this end that “Trump’s madness” and the madness of his followers is not just a threat to the national security of the United States as former CIA Chief Joe Brennan publicly stated, but a threat to global security and to democracy as we love and cherish it.
To light the world on fire, Trump’s America does not need to cross any borders. America’s military supremacy and economic power are sufficient to serve as incendiary devices, once that they fall into the hands of a madman and willing accomplices like John Bolton, an inveterate warmonger now serving as National Security Advisor.
Saving the world from America
While America saved the world from Germany and Germans from themselves, Europeans must now try to save the world from America and Americans from themselves.
Undoubtedly, Europe has a much bigger challenge at hand because it lacks military power to rein in the American threat to global security. But that does not mean that Europe does not have any means to accomplish this admittedly Herculean task.
The European signatories to the Iran deal must make it clear at home and in the United States that the United States has violated the Iran agreement, while Iran is actually in full compliance with all conditions set in the agreement.
This is a fact that must be driven home with all clarity. In view of Netanyahu’s mendaciousness, Europeans cannot stand by idly. It is helpful to recall that the Israeli Prime Minister advocated for the U.S. invasion of Iraq and envisioned it in testimony before the U.S. Congress in 2002 to be a cakewalk.
Trump’s banana republic
The United States under Donald Trump has degenerated to a banana republic which only complies with agreements that the leader himself approves of. He makes a complete mockery of international treaties or agreements to which his country already is a party and hence does his utmost to shred the international rule of law.
The EU countries must make clear that any sanctions implemented by the Trump Administration against European companies that exercise their rights of doing business with Iran under the conditions as prescribed in the agreement will lead to direct retribution by Europe. In other words, any sanctions against European firms will be answered in kind with sanctions against U.S. corporations without delay.
The European countries must further explain to the American people that their persistence in U.S. compliance with international agreements is a matter of principle. The Trump Administration is recklessly putting at risk global peace and no matter what the economic sacrifice for Europe, peace is an overriding concern.
This is a tall order, but Europe must go further. It has to explain to the American people that Iran is not the primary enemy of the United States and has not committed one single terrorist act on American soil.
Regardless of Iran’s involvements in Syria and Yemen and its support for Hezbollah, the attacks on American and on European cities that have led to thousands of deaths in terrorist suicide attacks were never directed by Iran or other Shia nations. Not one Shiite has been involved in attacks on New York, Boston, and countless other U.S. cities or London, Paris, and Berlin. Not one!
On the other hand, all of these attacks (except for the homegrown ones) without a single exception were masterminded by Saudi Arabians and people from other Sunni nations. So, when America and Europe look for a threat to their own national security, look no further than Saudi Arabia!
Netanyahu’s “new evidence”
Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, will try to make you believe differently. In a theatrical performance of Trumpian proportions, Netanyahu tried to sell the world a bridge last week. His announcement and display of “new evidence” of Iranian betrayal was old news to all major intelligence services and it was well known long before the Iranian deal was negotiated.
Netanyahu’s presentation was an insult to Israeli intelligence (in more ways than one). But all he was aiming for was an audience of one, Donald Trump. And nudge him he did.
That three-quarters of the Americans people disagree with Trump’s policy choice does not matter to Netanyahu. Nor does it matter to Trump. For when he thinks of the new American imperialism, he mostly conceives of it in very personal terms, as Donaldus Imperator Maximus.
European leaders must remind Europeans and Americans over and over again who is threatening their national security. Not Iran, not Shia, but Saudi Arabia and Sunnis.
They alone have been behind the callous, murderous acts that have killed so many in the West. These leaders must name names, name places and name the origin of these terrorists for as long as it takes to make even the slowest among their audiences understand.
A new kind of war
This is a new kind of war. A war in the media. Targeted disinformation campaigns by the Russians, the Trump Administration and the Netanyahu government can be neutralized by organized, targeted and effective information campaigns through social and traditional media.
A world without moral compass is a world at war. The Trump version of the United States has relinquished its leadership and torn apart the map following this compass. It is Europe’s responsibility, even its destiny, to step in.
Europe cannot outgun America, but it can out-inform it. Europe too must be willing to sacrifice. It must stop the madness of Donald Trump and it must then help America re-discover its democracy.
If Donald Trump’s reckless withdrawal from the Iran deal makes one thing plain, then it is that we live in a new age of American imperialism.
In a kind of obsessive-compulsive disorder meets geopolitics, the Trump administration, Netanyahu’s Israel and the Saudis have declared Iran the source of all human evil.
The US under Donald Trump has degenerated to a banana republic which only complies with agreements that the leader himself approves of.
The Trump version of the US has relinquished its leadership. It is Europe’s responsibility to step in.
Europe must stop the madness of Donald Trump and it must then help America re-discover its democracy.