US Police Vs. African-Americans
Police brutality against African-Americans in the U.S. has a long lineage – and shows no sign of stopping.
May 28, 2020
1. Although they are not the only victims, African-Americans are disproportionately the victims of the unpardonable U.S. practice not just of police brutality and shootings of civilians, but outright killings.
2. While African-Americans account for 13% of the U.S. population, they account for 39% of victims killed by police while not attacking. The number is even higher at close range.
3. In addition, African-American victims of fatal police shootings during arrest also tend to be much younger than White or Hispanic victims.
4. While their white counterparts are readily viewed as “teens” or “children,” young African-Americans find themselves described – as was the case with the Ferguson grand jury – as having super strength and size that justifies deadlier force than with young White suspects.
African-Americans are disproportionately the victims of US police killings.
African-Americans account for 13% of the US population -- but 39% of victims killed by police while not attacking.
African-American victims of fatal police shootings during arrest tend to be much younger than White or Hispanic victims.